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Security detection dog at Olympia London
Security at the venue

Security at Olympia Events

Your safety and enjoyment are our priority when you visit us. We constantly review our security measures to ensure they remain effective so you have the safest and most enjoyable experience at Olympia Events.

We have 24hr security in operation to keep everyone safe at all times. Much of this happens behind the scenes, but you may notice CCTV cameras around the venue, security patrols and search dogs while visiting. We have highly trained staff and work in partnership with the Police, Counter Terror Security Advisors and independent security consultants to plan and manage our security. Covert behavioural detection officers and Police Servitor teams will often be present.

What can you do to help?

Please tell our security or stewards if you notice anything suspicious while in and around the venue. This could be unattended packages, luggage or vehicles, or someone behaving in a suspicious manner.

Ensure you arrive in plenty of time to pass through any security checks and have your tickets ready to be checked. Our security teams work hard to keep you safe so please help them by co-operating with their requests. We carry out bag searches and you may be screened with search dogs and search wands upon arrival. By not carrying a bag, your entry into the venue will be quicker. Where this is not possible, we have a cloakroom available for most events.

Please be aware that pickpockets target mobile phones, particularly at gigs. Don’t leave your mobile in loose-fitting pockets and report any missing mobiles to security immediately.

We don’t tolerate abuse to visitors or staff and are active supporters of the government’s ‘Enough’ campaign aimed at stopping abuse to women. If you feel unsafe or threatened, you can discreetly seek help by asking venue staff for ‘Angela’. This codeword will indicate to staff that you require help. 

Keep alert to spiking either from drinks or needles, especially at gigs. You can learn about spiking on the Talk to Frank website. Please report any concerns or incidents immediately to one of the security team.

Do not bring any of these prohibited items:

  • Knives, bladed objects, or any items that may be considered for use as a weapon
  • Fireworks, pyrotechnics (including smoke bombs) or flares
  • Illegal substances or unidentifiable substances
  • Legal highs (including Nitrous Oxide)
  • Laser pens
  • Air horns and megaphones
  • Large signs or banners
  • Animals (except assistance dogs)
  • Audio and visual recording equipment
  • Any goods for unauthorised trading
  • Any items that may cause danger, offence or disruption to any other person

Prohibited items are subject to change based on the event risk assessments. Please comply with event security requests.

Olympia Events reserves the right to refuse admission and verbal or physical abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.

Our friendly team will be available to clarify any questions you might have and if you see anything suspicious please alert one of our team immediately. 

For other useful information, check out our Frequently Asked Questions and we hope you enjoy a safe and inspiring visit to Olympia Events.

Creating secure experiences

Hear what key industry figures had to say about how good security can enhance visitors' experiences at venues
Security roundtable