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Olympia London

Logistics and unloading

If you're arriving at the venue to unload or load your vehicle, we require you to book a time slot through an online vehicle booking system called Voyage Control. This will ensure the build-up and breakdown process is quicker and smoother for you. You will not be charged for this service.

Please plan your journey ahead, as failure to book in advance will result in your vehicle being turned away.
Book a slot

Plan your journey to Olympia

Discover the best route for you to get to the venue

Please review the following before booking:
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Any vehicles needing to service an event must pre-book through Voyage Control
4.4 metre maximum vehicle height permitted on site
Only make one booking per vehicle, per day. No consecutive time slots
Vehicle type and registration must match your booking. Different vehicle types will be turned away
Arrive on time for your slot. Early or late entries may be refused
Be ready to fully load or unload during your booked time slot
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Additional things to consider when booking your slot:
  • Bookings will normally be available 30 days prior to event start date
  • Any vehicles unloading or loading can gain access from Blythe Road off Hammersmith Road. We advise approaching from the Hammersmith Direction. For more info and access details, see our loading and unloading map
  • Exhibitors should refer to their exhibitor manuals for more detailed information
  • Print your pass and display clearly in your vehicle ready for pass check by traffic staff
  • Please follow the instructions of traffic staff at Olympia 
  • For additional parking outside of your unloading or loading time, pre-book online to secure a space. Car park spaces will be charged at the normal tariff rates
Loading and unloading access map


Site changes as we develop

We will soon become part of a larger cultural destination. Redevelopment work is well underway while we continue to host inspiring events.
Learn more