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Jose Pizarro preparing food at The Spirit of Christmas Fair
Spirit of Christmas Fair
  • Event

    Spirit of Christmas Fair
  • Event spaces

    Olympia Grand
    Olympia National
  • Market

    Luxury shopping, food and drink fair
4,300 web referrals to the client, 1,808 restaurant pre-bookings, 92% customer satisfaction

The oppourtunity

Each year Spirit of Christmas Fair offers a high-end pop-up restaurant within the show to enhance the luxury experience that visitors enjoy at the event. Olympia Events proposed running the restaurant in 2023 and through their catering partner, Host Olympia Events' network, managed to secure celebrity chef José Pizarro to run the restaurant for the full five days of the show. It was vital that all parties came together to create a great customer experience at José’s restaurant catering for not only Spirit of Christmas Fair’s visitors, but also the co-located Winter Arts & Antiques Fair and The Luxury Travel Fair.

Creating success

Immediate collaboration between Olympia Events, Clarion Events, José Pizarro and his team, and Host Olympia was vital to maximise this opportunity. Tasting sessions were held at the venue for José to fine tune the two menus he was crafting for the restaurant..

Olympia Events drove a multichannel campaign with a variety of rich content to promote the restaurant as part of the shows. All parties collaborated efficiently to drive awareness and bookings and to create the ideal dining experience, with José himself being very generous with his time and support throughout.

The results

Olympia Event’s social media activation achieved 495k impressions, emails generated 3.3k clicks-throughs, and consumer PR created 509k of opportunities-to-see in the run-up to the event. Through the wide-ranging promotion of the restaurant Olympia London was able to refer 4.3k online leads to the Clarion Events’ booking page. This helped secure 1,808 pre-bookings with deposits, which was 84% of the total covers the restaurant took. José often made time to speak to diners on the restaurant floor which can only have helped the restaurant achieve a customer satisfaction score of 92%.

Spirit’s partnership with José Pizarro created a distinctive restaurant experience which had so much positive feedback from visitors. It helped to improve visitor experience and show profile.

Helen James - Marketing Manager at Clarion Events